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Best Ways To Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage

Posted on May 31, 2016 by Customer Service | 0 comments

Here are some easy ways to protect your skin from sun damage:

Wear sunscreen with a SPF 15 or higher. If you have fair skin or light hair, you are more susceptible to the sun’s rays and should use a sunscreen with a higher SPF.

Choose sunscreen labeled “broad spectrum” meaning that it protects against two types of harmful rays: UVA and UVB.

Use waterproof sunscreen to make sure it stays on longer, even if you perspire or get wet.

Reapply sunscreen often – usually every two hours, but sooner if you’ve been swimming or are perspiring heavily.

Cover your whole body. Remember those areas that can be easy to forget, such as your ears, eyelids, lips, nose, hands, feet, and the top of your head.

Seek shade or avoid the sun during the peak hours of 10 a.m. – The sun is strongest during those hours, even on cloudy days.

Wear a hat with a wide brim to help shade your eyes, ears and head.

Wear wrap-around sunglasses that provide 100% UV protection to safeguard your eyes.

Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing such as long-sleeve shirts or long pants that protect a larger area of your skin. Tightly woven fabrics in dark or bright colors are best.

Examining Your Skin

Get a professional skin examination from a dermatologist once a year, and learn how to perform a monthly self-examination. Skin self-exams do not require any special medical equipment. All you need are your eyes, a mirror, and the knowledge of what to look for. Here are some tips:

  • Perform skin self-examinations in a well-lit room in front of a full-length mirror. Use a handheld mirror for hard-to-see places.
  • Learn the pattern of your moles, freckles or other birthmarks so that you will notice any changes.
  • Look for new growths, spots, bumps or sores that do not heal normally.
  • Don’t forget hard-to-see areas of your body such as your head, the underside of your arms, the backs of your legs, and between your toes.
  • Know the “ABCDEs” of moles. If you have any moles that fit the following criteria, ask your doctor to check them out.

Asymmetrical: Is the mole oddly shaped?

Border: Does the mole have irregular or vaguely defined borders?

Color: Does the mole have uneven coloring or multiple colors?

Diameter: Is the mole larger than a pencil eraser or is it growing in size?

Evolution: Did the mole change over time?

Source:http: //

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